Friday, June 5, 2009

What's next?

OK, so it's been a while since my last posting. Not a whole lot has been happening in my life other than work. I work, sleep, work, sleep. That's pretty much been it since my last posting. But things are about to get exciting! Either in a good way, or possibly not so good. I'm not really sure yet.

On Monday, I have to go to court for the custody of my children. I don't think I have even mentioned on here what is going on with that, but it is a very complicated and messed up situation. Basically, I am having to fight a drug addict to get custody of my children and because he is a VERY GOOD liar, I just may lose my kids. Sounds crazy, right? I am still trying to grasp the whold concept myself. I have done nothing wrong to lose my children but I really have no way to PROVE that their father has either! So it could go either way. Only God knows what will happen and I have handed this over to Him to take care of for me. I fully trust and believe that he will make the right decision, even if it is NOT in my favor. I have to believe that this happened for a reason, even if I don't know what that reason is.

I would like to ask you to pray that God makes the right decision that is truly the best for my children, even if that means that they aren't with me. It will be hard on me, yes, but I only want what is best for them! That is all I have ever wanted! So if you could please pray for me and my children, it would mean more than you know!

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